A lot of folks feel conflicted or excluded from the holiday season when they are carrying grief. Not feeling festive, or feeling more mindful of who is not present than who is gathered, can bid us to retreat from marking seasonal celebrations. But I don’t believe it’s an either/or kind of thing. We grieve because we love and it is only natural that we carry those losses into family and community gatherings. I invite you to set a place at the table to remember those who have died and incorporate something of their memory into your gathering. In my own Christian tradition, Christmas is about love that is made known and come to live among us — not in a sterilized way or into a world that is perfect. Far from it, it’s about being born into the mess of everything, in a time of crisis, a baby born in a dangerous time to vulnerable people. There is no need to tidy up our lives or our feelings to meet this season! Create your own memorial altar or order a table mat to help get you started.