by susiehenderson | Jun 2, 2014 | We Remember
Garden Avenue School, TorontoLast night at my daughter’s school we had a memorial for a young teacher who had died earlier in the year, who was very popular with the younger kids. They called him Mr.Nathan and he was known for playing soccer out in the yard with...
by susiehenderson | May 2, 2014 | We Remember
African Burial Ground National Monument New York CityMay 2014 I’d like to think that the spirits of the ancestors drew our family to visit the site of the African Burial Ground National Monument. Actually we could have used some guidance to help locate the site, as...
by susiehenderson | Aug 2, 2012 | We Remember
Church of the Holy TrinityAugust 2012 One Sunday at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto I was able to reflect on a familiar passage, Isaiah Isaiah 61: 1-4, and I found a new connection in light of mourning and organizing. I’ve always found significance in public...
by susiehenderson | Nov 14, 2011 | We Remember
Silent Memorial RideNovember 2011 Tragically, in the fall of 2011, Advocacy for the Respect of Cyclists was active again in our own Parkdale neighbourhood. I joined with neighbours in an early morning memorial ride for Jenna a cyclist killed by a truck, just past the...
by susiehenderson | Nov 2, 2011 | We Remember
Dundas West Subway stationNovember 2011 In the fall of 2011, I was glad to attend a community memorial for a friend Matthew Dolmage. Neighbours, family, friends celebrated the opening of a small garden spot where Matthew liked to watch the trains and christened it,...