Remembering Tony

Remembering Tony

Night of Dread, Dufferin Grove ParkOctober 2011 If you walked down Roncesvalles Avenue in the  last five years, you will likely recognize Tony who occupied a spot near the corner of Grenadier.  As I walked by his lawn chair I would hear “Gday dear, spare any...
Montreal Massacre

Montreal Massacre

Winnipeg, December 6, 1989 The many vigils that rose up in the aftermath of the Montreal massacre in 1989, when 14 women were slaughtered in the Montreal school because they were women, were formative for me.  In my hometown of Winnipeg, women gathered in the rotunda...
Bikes Take Back the Street

Bikes Take Back the Street

Bike Memorial RideSeptember 1998 My first encounter with an activist form of public memorial was after my friend John died in a bike accident on one of the highways in Toronto. A group of cyclists, known as Advocacy for the Respect of Cyclists, previously unknown to...
We Remember

We Remember

This blog is my journal to reflect on community acts of mourning.  I’ve been interested for a long time in the connection between mourning and working for change.  I want to tweak the expression, “mourn– then work for change” to “mourn AND work for change.” As I...