This blog is my journal to reflect on community acts of mourning.  I’ve been interested for a long time in the connection between mourning and working for change.  I want to tweak the expression, “mourn– then work for change” to “mourn AND work for change.” As I believe mourning is part of the ongoing fabric of our lives and that our action for justice it strengthened when we continue to carry those who went before us on our shoulders.  When we act in their name, when we act for what they believed in, when we connect their stories with wider movement stories — we re-member them in community.  Their lives continue to make a difference.

All of these community-inspired acts of mourners  — vigils, bike rallies, shrines, community gardens –these are acts of defiance, reclaiming, community, crossing boundaries, re-visioning.   They all dig deep towards justice. They all echo the call to mourn AND organize.


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